Author: Eric Thompson
The Energetic Signatures Encoded into the Digital Acupuncture 2.0 Audio and Mandala
The DA2 Mandala and Audio both contain six layers of subtle energetic encoding to produce a deep state of relaxation and stress relief, perfect for a daily meditation practice.
Digital Acupuncture 2 0
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The Brainwaves Encoded into the Digital Acupuncture 2.0 Audio Using Brainwave Entrainment
The audio portion of the program contains not only the unique energetic encoding of an acupuncture session, but it also contains very powerful audio brainwave entrainment frequencies in the delta brainwave range.
DA2 also includes an Energy Only version of the audio program that contains all the energetic encoding of an acupuncture session but does not contain any brainwave entrainment.
Besides being very relaxing, Delta brainwaves are also associated with extraordinarily deep meditation.
delta brain waves
brain waves
All 12 Acupuncture Meridians – Clears each meridian for optimal qi energy flow.
Six layers of subtle energy
5-HTP – Promotes a feeling of deep calm, relaxation and stress relief.
Russian Pyramid – Built by Alexander Golod, Ph.D., this pyramid is aligned with the Golden Proportion and is said to reduce stress, speed the healing process, aid meditation, harmonize negative EMF and geopathic zones and strengthen the immune system.
Delta Brainwaves – An energetic signature for deep relaxation.
Relaxation – Let go.
Energetic Integration – Integrates all the energy streams in the aura in exactly the same way as practicing the “Celtic Weave” exercise does.
All 12 Acupuncture Meridians – Clears each meridian for optimal qi energy flow.
Six layers of subtle energy
5-HTP – Promotes a feeling of deep calm, relaxation and stress relief.
Delta Brainwaves – An energetic signature for deep relaxation.
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