Author: Swingtradersociety
Who are we and what are we about? Well first of all let’s address what we are not…
we are not a ‘Get Rich Quick’ fad, or a dodgy ‘Signal Selling’ service.
What we are is an educational platform for those looking to take on the challenge of becoming a successful Foreign Exchange Trader.
At the Swing Trader Society we deliver educational material through our membership avenues to teach our students the knowledge and skills required to become successful traders.
Swing Trader Society
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Do any of the above common problems ring any bells? Any of them sound familiar?
If they do then fantastic, because it means you’re in the right place for us to be able to help you and provide tailored mentorship to help you overcome the specific challenges that you face as a trader.
Whilst joining us as a sapphire member will teach you all you need to know, sometimes it’s important to get that tailored mentorship. Someone to reach out to in order to speak through any problems that you are facing.
Trading can sometimes be a lonely journey, which is why you’ll gain the full benefit of entering the Swing Trader Society…
Tailored guidance and mentorship to help you along your journey.
Our success is based off our ability to ensure you are successful – it’s important for us to ensure you achieve your goals!
But… that’s not all, ontop of the 10 lessons you will also receive 5 bonuses!
The first bonus being the Season 1 STS Weekly Webinars, this is over 15+ hours of recorded market commentary, full of analysis, trade setups and forecasting.
The second bonus is our Mini-Market Breakdown Video Series, this covers a broad range of trading topics and content, from live trades i’ve taken using the strategies taught in the course, right the way through to specific trading topics my members have requested.
The fifth and final bonus, is your own goal setting journal to track, record and prove to yourself that you can achieve whatever you truly put your mind.
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