Physics: from Galileo to Einstein Description
Physics: from Galileo to Einstein by Marco Masi helps you gain a clear understanding and close perspective on the conceptual foundations of physics, covering from its inception in the 17th century with Galileo Galilei to the modern phase after Einstein’s. The course will connect all the scattered pieces and fields of physics so that learners can still have the most thorough overview of modern physics even without the need of attending academic places like colleges.
Here are what you will learn in this course:
- Introduction
- Classical Mechanics
- Galileo’s and Newton’s kickoff
- Celestial mechanics and the advent of determinism
- Quizzes on classical mechanics
- Entropy: Carnot’s definition and the foundations of thermodynamics
- Entropy: Boltzmann’s definition
- Deterministic chaos
- Quizzes on thermodynamics and deterministic chaos
- Electromagnetism and Realtivity
- Electromagnetism and Maxwell’s achievement
- Special Relativity
- General Realtivity
- Quizzes on electromagnetism and relativity
- Quantum Mechanics
- The birth of Quantum Physics
- Wave-particle duality and Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation.
- The wavefunction and the Bohr-Einstein debate
- Quizzes on quantum physics I
- The Schrödinger equation and the weird behavior of particles’ spin.
- Schrödinger’s cat and the vacuum’s zero-point energy
- Quizzes on quantum physics II
- Randomness: a philosophical digression
- Randomness: some definitions and examples
- Randomness: Complexity and quantum randomness
- Quizzes on the concept of randomness
- Particle physics and beyond
- The Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Dark Matter and Dark Energy
- Quantum Gravity – String Theory
- Quizzes on particle physics
- Inflationary Cosmology
- The Fine Tuning of the Universe
- Quizzes on inflation and fine-tuning
- Conclusion