Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Description
This course is intended to assist students learn more about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTS), present participants, and how these new assets are being deployed. This course will examine how digital representations of art, photos, movies, tickets, and online gaming products are quietly making their way into a variety of sectors. We will look at some of the technical challenges that NFTs face, as well as why the user experience when first engaging with NFTs may need to be simplified if we are to see greater adoption. Then we’ll look at the future of NFTs, their role in the digital virtual world of metaverses, and how we might see the rise of digital twins, certificates created as NFTs unique to an appliance, a vehicle, or even a property.
Here’s what included in the course:
- Section 1: Introduction
- Lecture 1 NFTs: What Are They?
- Section 2: The NFT Market
- Lecture 2 The Size Of The NFT Market And How To Trade
- Lecture 3 Examples Of NFTs
- Section 3: NFT Challenges
- Lecture 4 Technical Challenges
- Section 4: The Future
- Lecture 5 The Future Of NFTs
- Section 5: Conclusion
- Lecture 6 Conclusion And How To Keep Up-To-Date