Complete iOS 16 Developer with Swift UI and 10 Apps Description
Complete iOS 16 Developer with Swift UI and 10 Apps teaches you complete iOS development fully in swift UI. You will learn everything from the basics of programming with a swift programming language to building apps. The course is suitable for iOS developers curious about iOS development or eager to learn Swift UI framework and those who are looking to publish their app on the App store.
Here’s what you will learn in this course:
- Introduction to iOS development
- Introduction to iOS development and prerequisite
- A tour of XCode
- Hello World in Swift
- A bit of history of swift with Objective C
- Getting started with Swift
- Code files
- Variables and Constants in Swift
- Operators and Range in Swift
- String and interpolation
- Methods in Strings
- A caution in type conversion
- Can user pay | Logical Operators
- Optional binding and forced unwrapping
- We missed reading the docs
- More data types in Swift
- Array and methods in Array in swift
- Dictionary in depth in swift
- Sets in swift programming
- Tuples in swift
- Going all in depth of Swift
- If else and conditional unwrapping
- Control flow statements
- Functions in swift programming language
- In depth of Closure, autoclosure and escaping
- Enums and indirect enums
- Structs in swift
- Structs Vs Class
- Classes and reference type
- Properties in swift
- Methods in swift
- Advance Swift programming concept
- Inheritance in swift
- init in depth in swift
- Deinit in swift
- Error handling in swift
- Building Project 1 – Profile app
- 01 Zstack, HStack and VStack
- Create a new app in XCode
- Getting started with ZSTack and VStack
- 04 Moving into VStack
- Nested Stacks in swift UI
- Finishing our first app
- Project 2 – Custom shape and slots
- Theory behind custom shapes in iOS
- From figma to XCode shape
- State, rawValue and Identifiable
- More on State and HStack
- Getting button in our app
- Finishing up slot machine game
- Project 3 – calculator with animation
- RawValue in swift
- Starting a calculator project – assets
- Defining Model for calculator
- Getting keys sorted out for calculator
- Animation in swift ui
- Adding buttons for calculator
- Learn to calculate element width and height
- Loading up views on home screen
- Finishing up the calculator logic part
- Project 4 – Splash screen
- Getting started with Splash screen
- Finishing up a splash screen
- Project 5 – Shopping app with multi screen Navigation
- Demo of Shopping app with Navigation
- Importing all assets of fruits
- Building on boarding screen with navigation
- Models for fruit and near you
- Handling the fruit card
- Horizontal scroll view
- Passing value from one screen to another
- Design detail view part 1
- Counter in detail screen
- Vertical scroll view
- Assemble fruit cart app
- Resolving minor UI issue
- Building LinkedIn UI Clone
- What we will build – Linkedin
- Search bar component
- Models in linkedin UI
- Each connection request
- Building my Network screen
- Making home cards
- Home screen top view
- Building Home Screen
- Launch linkedin UI in simulator
- Todo app – Read the docs
- What are user defaults
- What is Codable protocol
- Model with Identifiable and Codable
- What are ObservableObject and Published
- UserDefaults with unique key
- Get values from UserDefaults
- CRUD operations in Todo list
- DispatchQueue in depth
- Navigation View and Link
- State management in swift ui
- Take user input and add it to Model
- Adding To Do’s on Home screen
- Finishing up todo app with gesture implementation
- Handling API and building Pokemon app
- What is API and formatting
- Create a model for API response
- Fetching data from API endpoint
- List and async calls
- Kingfisher – Third party packages
- Install third party packages
- What are extensions in swift
- Issues in Data and API call
- Creating a data extension
- Using KFImage
- Gridviews and LazyVStack
- Debugging the pokemon app
- Thanks and updates