Author: Bill Meridian
Bill Meridian is a financial astrologer. He began to study astrology in 1972 as he entered Wall Street after he received his MBA at NYU. He trained as a bioenergetic therapist with Dr. John Pierrakos in New York City for 7 years. Bill began applying computers to financial astrology in 1983 eventually designing the AstroAnalyst. He wrote several books, including Planetary Stock Trading, which uses company first trade dates to pick winners.
Planetary Stock Trading
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All-new and updated horoscopes Updates on the Earnings Surprise Method Update on Jupiter Portfolios New Case Studies PST Methods are Now Accessible in the Cloud
The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences defines and explains more than 800 astrological terms. And concepts from air signs to Zeus and everything in between.
A how-to book on combining financial astrology with technical analysis, drawing on the author’s remarkable background in investment analysis and fund management. You’ll find clearly presented market basics that will guide you through the maze of decisions that go into effective trading. Best of all, Bill Meridian illustrates his stock-picking methodolgy with plenty of case studies, grounding the theoretical knowledge in specific trading experience.
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