Simplertrading – Simpler Options 101
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Learn to master the foundations of successful options trading
- Options Income Strategies:
Discover how it’s possible to be consistently profitable, even if you’re wrong about market direction most of the time. You’ll discover fundamental spread trades that are really basic versions of the most powerful advanced strategies. You’ll discover why spreads offer the potential for steady account growth with low risk and peace of mind.
Master Simpler Options:
Most options training is confusing because it’s chock full of complex academic theory and jargon. Good news, as John Carter has proven in his 25 plus year career, you only need to master a few simple core concepts to understand how to trade options.
Understanding Puts and Calls:
John and Henry will share simple strategies designed to help even the newest trader to exploit the incredible profit potential of leveraged options. As part of this lesson, you’ll discover how to spot high probability opportunities.
Avoid Big Rookie Mistakes:
John and Henry have already made just about every mistake imaginable when it comes to options (so you shouldn’t have to). Before you put on another position, learn how to avoid the account-destroying mistakes that most traders have to learn the hard way.
Money Management Essentials:
One of the most crucial parts of successful trading is money management. Once again, you can forget complex theories because John will share the simple techniques he’s refined over more than 25 years.
Strive to Recoup Your Investment:
Follow along for two live-sessions as John and Henry help you identify the setups discussed on Saturday. While we can’t offer any guarantee, our informal goal is to make enough trading small positions to recoup the entire cost of the class… and then some. We’ve achieved this on many, many classes in the past.
Daily Trading Checklist:
Watch as John and Henry go through their daily routine and see firsthand what it takes to be a successful full-time trader.
The 6 Inches Between Your Ears:
Watch as professional traders handle the ups and downs of the markets without losing their heads. Absorb this critical knowledge in a live environment and discover how important controlling your mindset is to successful trading.
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