Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble – The London Close Trade Strategy
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Now you are probably thinking that the risk must be extremely high to generate these unbelievable winning percentages.
Absolutely not! Quite the opposite.
With this strategy, Shirley usually never risks more than an average of 16 pips. In fact, her reward-to-risk ratio is about 1.5 to 1 on average and she has kept it consistently at this level since Jan. 2010..
Shirley fully understands that people will be skeptical of her results (and they should be). So she has voluntarily disclosed her trading log. Well, it is simply mind-blowing!
Since January of 2010, Shirley has profited an astounding 41,261 pips (and counting…) using this simple strategy. Out of 2206 total trades, a staggering 2068 were winners, 84 were break-even trades and only 54 trades actually resulted in losses! That’s an unblievable 94% winning ratio with an average return of 20 pips gain per trade! I know this sounds like fairytale but please stay with me!
Here’s latest performance in Excel format
By the way, Shirley will tell you that she’s extreme conservative and has a low tolerance for risk. This is why this system works so well for her. It keeps her risk so low that emotions never play a part in any of her trades. This has allowed her to consistently apply this technique in her daily trading.
You are probably on the edge of your seat wondering exactly what this strategy is all about? Well, it is not as complicated as you might think. You see, because Shirley lives on the West Coast of North America, she finds it impossible to stay up all night to trade the active London session (3AM – 8AM EST). Besides, she has a very active life as a grandmother, mother, wife and Realtor, so she had to adapt her trading to suit her lifestyle – not the other way around like so many other traders do. This strategy allows her to trade around the London Close which fits her schedule and is a routine she can commit to on a consistent basis.
Some of you may know that Shirley has been my student for many years. I can tell you first hand that she struggled for many years with her trading consistency. I still remember the day when she turned her trading around, almost 3 years ago. It was the day that Shirley discovered that she was able to successfully apply an entry technique that I had shown her called the “Noble Entry”. This entry technique works especially well when certain market conditions presented themselves at the London Close. She went on to experiment and refine this technique and has now perfected it.
I remember the e-mail I received from Shirley in which she told me that she had finally “cracked the code” and discovered the exact strategy that she was searching for all those years. And she has never looked back since.
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