Author: Shane Melaugh
I’m Shane Melaugh, I’ve done this thing several times over and I enjoy teaching what I’ve learnt about being a highly effective entrepreneur in a bullshit-free way.
Course Craft
Sale Page : Shane Melaugh
This product is available
Included: the Thrive Apprentice
WordPress Plugin ($97 value)
Create beautiful online courses right inside your own WordPress website
What You’ll Discover
in the Course Craft Course Modules:
1. Get Paid, Give Access
The simplest way to set up a system that gets you paid and gives your customers access to your course, automatically.
2. Pirates Begone
How to make sure only paying customers can access your content & how to protect your content from being illegally downloaded and shared.
3. The Video Lesson Formula
How you can create well produced, professional looking, highly informative video lessons and publish them in your course – without needing expensive software or hardware!
4. Build Your Customer List
Every step to set up your email marketing system and make sure new customers are added to your mailing list, automatically.
5. The Product Idea Filter
Use our system to find a true winner of a product idea – or to refine and improve your own idea for a course, if you already have one.
6. Competition Judo
Learn why it’s actually great to have loads of competition and our Judo system for using all the hard work your competitors have done, to your advantage.
7. The Marketing “Cheat Code”
This method makes finding the perfect idea, getting customers and creating highly persuasive sales copy for your product so easy, it almost feels like cheating.
8. The “Sales Page First” Approach
In Course Craft, we use a system that starts with your sales message. As soon as you put our system into place, you’ll realize how starting with product creation is a recipe for pain, frustration and failure and you’ll wonder why you ever did it otherwise.
9. The EPOC Method for Creating Unique Products
The EPOC method, that’s how.
10. The 5 Components of High Value Courses
We’ll deconstruct exactly what makes the difference between a $5 course that still feels like a waste of money and a $200 course that feels like a steal. Creating highly valuable, well-presented and truly useful online courses is a matter of using the right system.
11. The Visual Design Shortcut
Typical entrepreneur newbie mistake: worrying about brand design, visuals, logo etc. and wasting endless time and money on it. Using the Visual Design Shortcut in Course Craft, we cut this entire process down to 10 minutes, max. (also: it costs $0)
12. The Online Course Pre-Launch Method
Learn how you can get paid to create your online course first and then start working on the content. This approach will even help you create a better product, than if you create first and sell second.
13. The Stealth/Bootstrap Launch Sequence
Discover the simple way to create a fully fledged, sales-generating product launch sequence – all without needing any special tools and without coming across as salesy or pushy.
14. The Revenue Machine
Discover the 5 components you can add to your online course, to turn it from a lukewarm seller into a reliable, long-term revenue machine.
The Zero-Audience Product Launch
Want to start building an online course business, but don’t have any mailing list or audience to sell it to yet? Don’t worry, neither did I when I sold my first online course. In the Course Craft system, we’ll cover exactly how you can do a zero-audience product launch and the exact steps to take, to “borrow” other people’s audience for your own course.
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