Author: Optionpit
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Option Pit Master Class Volatility
Optionpit – Option Pit Master Class Volatility have numerous sessions that provide a learning environment related to options trading based on volatility trading that is opening professional floors for the traders to succeed in the stock market and index options.
Importance of Volatility and Option Trading
Volatility and options trading help traders to think like a pro while dealing with volatility trading and work as professional VIX traders in the complicated options trading market.
Course-Plan of Option Pit – Option Pit Master Class Volatility
Session 1-5
Career Outcomes of Optionpit Master Class Volatility
Professional VIX trader
It helps in learning about the VIX options and their future. Learning efficiency and removal of risk-reward profile enables the person to flourish in the professional VIX trader field.
Option trader
Volatility is the main core thing in options trading that helps to attain a good position in the financial market.
Professional risk manager
This course can also result in a professional risk manager that is globally recognized having all the knowledge of risks management and reward ratio.
Learning of priced volatility
This session enables the traders to learn the strategies regarding realized-priced volatility and its outcomes.
Optimizing option terms for volume trades and the proper use of Vega as an asset:
This session teaches the importance of the expiry date for the exposure in a change of volatility and time along with options terms and strikes of master Vega weighting and Vega sensitivity.
For theta positive trade, maximization of time premium with all volatility products:
To create positions of long contracts with the use of products related to volatility but, due to VIX’s future erosions, it decays.
Understanding the future of VIX:
Learning of VIX basics and its uses for the trading
VIX Future contango and backwardation:
Creation of optimized volatility-based trades in VIX and ETP.
Session 6-10
VIX zone based on trade selection for short- and long-term positions:
For all markets, optimization of a variety of posts on quantified volatility zones
To utilize VIX future inappropriate time:
Learning of strategy regarding VIX options for both monthly and weekly trades
For the best efficiency and risk-reward profile, learning different things:
Prioritizing volatility trading over conventional wisdom
Creation of short volatile trades:
Learning of creating self- financing portfolio
Required Skills for a full-time trader:
Learning of executing income trades as a full-time trader
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