5-Day Master Trader Program Online Event by Mark Minervini – There Is No Magic At All Unless You Create It
The 5-day Master Trader Program Online Event by Mark Minervini puts the emphasis on the ultimate base of trading, the values of which stay through time. The tips of iceberg can provide you with the sensation of the immediate changes in the stock trading charts. However, applying the superficial tactics is like trading with the blindfold. The fast pace of the trading market has shaped your mindset that the market techniques and strategies must be continuously updated, which is true in fact. However, the overestimation of the latest updates can blur the importance of basic concepts which are the root for everything afterwards. The 5-day Master Trader Program Online Event by Mark Minervini is the program in which you can enjoy the primer three – day classes and two live trading days. It recaps the focal points in Mark Minervini’s books, including Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Think and Trade Like A Champion, Definite Guide to Position Sizing Strategies, etc.
The fundamentals of trading are instructed in the first three days of The 5-day Master Trader Program Online Event. You will get access to the details of SEPA strategy (Specific Entry Point Analysis), which illuminates the market stage analysis for the insights into its turning points, uptrends, downtrends. As a result, the common patterns are pointed out. These insights could help you spot the failing features in your own setups as well as others’ so the optimized strategies are guided for taking the low risks. Putting the basic concepts mentioned in the first day under the microscope, day 2 of the Master Trader Program Online Event spends the spotlight on the position sizing to get the right timing of market entry and exit at the optimal risk/reward ratios. Upsizing the account while still downsizing the risks is one the rewarding take-away, which becomes much more intriguing with the explicit instruction of psychology and best practices to strengthen your mind. Day 3 of The 5-day Master Trader Program Online Event is the prelude to the two – day live trading sessions. All the pieces of the big picture come together with the illustration of stock selection, setup development, execution as well as the modifications. Hands – on experience are highlighted in the 2 days of live trading with Mark Minervini and David Ryan.
About Mark Minervini
Being one of the top stock traders in the United States, Mark Minervini has dedicated 37 years to trading and researching. The admirable trading career of Mark Minervini is made by the consistency by the persistence of following the discipline and the flexibility by catching up the market trends. His brilliant insights into the trading market are shared in not only books, one of his best – selling ones is Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard, but also trading education on his online platform.
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